Biblical Answers for a World in Need of Truth!

Biblical Answers for a World in Need of Truth!

There’s so much going on in the world today! People have questions ... and God has the answers! This is why we are turning to the back of the Book on the radio this month—to the book of Revelation—for Jesus’ last and most urgent message to the Church and insight into His master plan for the Church that we cannot afford to ignore today.

I’m excited to share this message with you—and boldly ask you to help me deliver this powerful teaching to as many listeners as possible through your generous online gift today. 

As you give, we’ll thank you by sending a special resource: 

Authentic Influencer: The Barnabas Way of Shaping Lives for Jesus 
By Jonathan Murphy

Based on leadership principles from the life of Barnabas in Scripture, Authentic Influencer will:

  • Encourage you to shape the world for Jesus Christ one life at a time in practical, doable ways—beginning with whoever happens to be close by.
  • Highlight 15 key principles that emerge from Barnabas that are relevant, practical, and customizable to every believer.
  • Urge you to practice investing in others through discipleship.
  • Challenge you with inspiring stories and practical wisdom emerging from biblical truths. 

Please request your copy as you give generously in support of KTT today!


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          Anaheim, California 92809